Karmick Solutions is a family of talented professionals who have a thirst for achieving the best results with their resourcefulness. So, if you too have a different and an optimistic mind and an eagerness to learn and grow, we welcome you to join us for a rich professional experience. Make sure you really enjoy what you do!
Developers with experience in C#, .NET framework, SQL Server, JavaScript and excellent communication skills. Positions open for: Senior & Junior level
Experience PHP developers who can work independently work on a project and interact with clients. Positions open for: Senior Developers, Middle Level Programmers & Team Leaders.
Designers with experience in Flash Animation, Website Designing and excellent communication skills. Positions open for: Senior & Junior level.
Programmers with experience in developing e-commerce sites and other database driven sites. Positions open for: Senior & Junior level
Experienced in various testing methodologies and testing tools.
Must have good research skills with experience in SEO writing like blogs, articles, press releases, etc. Should have a Bachelor's or Master's degree in English or other subject.
Mail your resume at jobs@karmicksolutions.com