5 Ways Chatbots Are Revolutionizing Education

5 Ways Chatbots Are Revolutionizing Education

When Martha moved into the George Washington University in 2018, nobody speculates that it will become a permanent campus member. The AI-driven chatbot launched as a pilot project end up generating more than 4000 chats within a month! According to the Live Chat Benchmark Report 2020, the increasing use of the bots is because of the way they understand the natural human language and has wide deployment scope. Did you use virtual assistants such as Appleā€™s Siri or Alexa? These are all audio chatbots.

Some of the popular chatbots that are used at present in the education field are Martha, Botsify, CourseQ, and Miao. These are getting an overwhelming response from students, parents, and tutors.

Let’s here discover the different ways these bots are revolutionizing education.

1. Making online learning easier

A chatbot can convert a lecture session into a series of short messages, which combined with student response, looks like a friendly chat conversation. Meanwhile, bots can also conduct online assessments.

2. Offering instant information access

While existing students search for varied information on a university website, potential applicants search about courses, fee structure, and so on. Chatbots answer these questions asked by the website visitors 24/7 through the chat window.

3. Simplifying administrative formalities

Chatbots unburdens the administrative staff by efficiently handling a bulk of pre-admission or exam-related queries of students, which are mostly repetitive each year.

4. Encouraging career counseling

Chatbots can give answers to all types of career-related queries of students or job aspirants after asking some questions regarding their qualifications, hobbies, interests, and so on.

5. Increasing student engagement

Students perceive chatbots as a friendly peer who will not rebuke them like teachers or parents. These bots can send reminders about the availability of new study material or pending assignments, which increases student engagement like never before.

The education sector is only next to the real estate and travel industry in reaping profit from chatbots. So, the time is ripe to invest in these bots, which could be integrated into dedicated educational apps.



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