Many business entrepreneurs wish to have a great looking site but simply can’t. Why? The web designers they hire either lack an artistic talent or lack application knowledge. This is the reason behind hiring a professional web designer from a reputed web development company India. The professional website designers in India very well know the essential principles of web design and follow them religiously in order to develop eye-catching sites for their clients. Given below are some website design principles that every professional and experienced web designer follows:
Font size: In the early part of the decade the web designers used small fonts. Using size 10px or even less for fonts was the craze. But now, 14px seems to be the perfect size for text or paragraphs.
Color: A professional web designer always ensures to keep the color theme of a site very simple. Most of the designers have a tendency to use too many colors in the site. Using no more than two primary colors and at the utmost a third ‘secondary’ color sparingly makes a site look better. The color theme also needs to well connect with the visitors and serve the purpose of the website. For instance, professional designers never use blue or florescent yellow/green for a health site.
Contrast: The navigation and content of a site needs to be well contrasted. The foreground text should either be very light or very dark in comparison with the site’s background color
Designing the site keeping in mind the site’s purpose: Professional and experienced website designers always use this formula while planning the layout. For this, they first try understanding the purpose of the site and its goals.
Usability: This is all about making the visitor’s experience a pleasant and comfortable one on the site. Things must be easily understandable, accessible and read. The visitor should be able to realize what the site is exactly about within few seconds of the visit. For such a smooth experience of the visitor, all you need to do is hire website designer from a reputed web development company in India.