Distinction between Native and Hybrid Mobile App Development

Distinction between Native and Hybrid Mobile App Development


Smart  phones  are  a  common  accessory  in  almost  everyone’s  life. These  phones  run  on  either  android,  iOS,  Windows  Phone,  Blackberry,  and  Symbian  and  so  on. And  each  of  these  operating  devices  have  their  own  in  built  apps  with  which  one  can  listen  to  music,  chat,  play  games  and  so  on.  But  this  is  common  knowledge. Everyone  who  is  a  smart  phone  user  is  aware  of  this. But  if you  are  a  developer  then  you  must  have  guessed  where  this  conversation  is  going? As  a  developer  it  often  gets  difficult  to  understand  whether  to  create  native  mobile  apps  or  should  it  be a  hybrid  one?

If  we  use  the  layman’s  language  to  distinguish  between  a  native  app  and  a  hybrid  one  then  we  can  sum  up  the  following:

Native  apps  are  specific  to  the  operating  device  such  as  the  android  apps. These  applications  can be  accessed  only  from  an  android  store. These  apps  are  created  using  Java,  Windows,  C++  etc, whereas  if  you  take  into  account  the  apps  created  for  iOS  device  then  they  are  created  using XCode / Objective-C  etc.

On  the  other  hand  hybrid  apps  are  the  latest  HTML5  apps  that  have  created  quite  a  buzz  amongst  the users. What  works  in  favor  of  these  hybrid  apps  is  that  they  can be  used  in  any  platform.

  • Development  Cost  and  Time: if  we  compare  between  the  two  then  hybrid  apps  are  less expensive  and  takes  less  time  to  be  developed. These  apps  run  on  just  one  code  whereas native  apps  there  have  to  be  an  app  developer  for  each  platform.


  • User  Experience: it  is  here  that  native  apps  make  all  the  difference. The  screen  size,  hardware  capability  all  is  taken  care  off  but  in  case  of  a  hybrid  app  it  is  not  possible  to  provide  a  high  end  experience.


  • Paid  or  Free  app:  as  native  apps  have  the  best  UI  hence  it  is  better  to  use  paid  apps whereas  the  free  apps  are  developed  by  the  hybrid  one.


  • Type  of  app:  as  far  as  games  are  concerned  it  is  always  best  to  opt  for  native  apps  but  if  it  is  about  news  apps  then  hybrid  ones  are  advised  as  they  don’t  require  too  much  back  end  work.

If  we  take  into  account  the  prevailing  situation  then  we  will  see  that  both  types  of  apps  are  in  demand  but  what  ultimately  influence’s  one’s  decision  is  the  budget  involved  and  the  quality  of  the  app.  And  it  is  here  that  the  role  of  the  developer  is  of  major  significance.



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