Good website design is simply a combination of both good planning as well as common sense. The website you design must be easy to use and attractive and should provide the user with services or information they want.
Web designers aim to create an easily accessible,attractive and functional website which will convince the target audience. Creating such a kind of website design needs logical website layout, intuitive and easy site navigation, good graphic design and good web copy. Here are some website design guidelines followed by the good website designers:
Web designers working in a reputed website design company knows the importance of Internet as a great source of finding information. Whether the website the web designing company is designing for sells their own products or recommends visitors someone else’s products, website designers know that it’s a must to provide valuable information on the website or else the visitors will click away to another website.
There are hundreds of different browsers available. It has been noted that all the websites do not work properly in all the browsers especially the most popular ones like Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape. The website design play a big role here. The web design should be such that the website will be able to work properly in all the popular browsers.
Internet users are basically very impatient. They click away if the webpage takes more than 10 seconds to load. So, it becomes important for the website designers to optimize the graphic files and the photos to as small a size as possible without sacrificing the quality of the picture while designing the website.
If anything other than white color is used behind the text, its important to specify the link colors or else the browser defaults of the user will determine the color of the links that make them unreadable. The website design should be created in such a way so that the visitor can start and stop multimedia files or in case of flash intriductions, skip them if they feel like. That way people having devices that do not support multimedia or people having slow Internet connections can ignore them. Information needs to be in text format in multimedia so that visitors can access the information without using multimedia.
Site navigation has a big role to play in website design. Visitors prefer accessing the information that they want within 3 simple clicks of mouse or else they will click away to another site. If anything other than text links are used, it’s necessary to test the navigation in all the popular browsers. Periodic testing of the site links is important. Nothing chases a visitor off faster than the broken links. Frames should be avoided because it is the frames that make it difficult to bookmark the individual pages on the web site.