Let Us All #RebuildNepal – A Karmick Solutions Initiative!

Natural calamity shows us what we all are made of. Just the way it shows how insignificant we are in the face of natural calamities, it also shows how strong human determination is when it comes to rebuilding a country!!

We all are aware of the recent Nepal Earthquake that shook the country at a magnitude of 7.8 Richter scale. Not only Nepal but its neighboring country India too felt the tremors. Although the damage was not that huge in the areas affected – Delhi, Kolkata, Uttar Pradesh, and Bihar. Nepal bore the maximum brunt.

After the quake got over, the rest of the world got together and extended their support to build the Nation once again. We at Karmick Solutions too tried to do our bit.

We are overwhelmed by the contribution made by the Karmickites and several others outside our company in our pledge to offer the basic necessities of life to the survivors in Nepal.

We purchased 15 cartons of biscuit, 25 crates of mineral water, 4 carton boxes of medicines, 4 jars of Dettol antiseptic liquid, 62 pieces of blanket, 200kg of rice, 125 kg of flake rice, 4 bandage rolls along with 2 carton boxes of soap.

We provided all the items to the “Nepal Earthquake Relief Material Collection Centre” located at Taratala, Kolkata. It is a Nepal Consulate donation centre.

Nepal earthquake

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